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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guitar Effects Pedals: The Practical Handbook

It's a golden age for guitar effects pedal users and makers right now, with over 40 years of design experience and musical experimentation to draw on. Your choice includes the original, pioneering "vintage" models, or souped-up "clones" from more contemporary designers. Dave Hunter spells out the pros and cons of both in this uniquely comprehensive guide. In a guitarist-friendly style, the book explores: what each type of effect does * how pedals work * the best order to connect pedals * and how to make the most of the pedals you have. Also includes exclusive interviews revealing eight top pedal makers' radically diverse approaches to building effects.

It is advisable to seek out a talented guitar instructor who will help you in the beginning. Remember, you'll want to learn the fundamental elements first (picking, playing guitar chords, learning simple, but great songs). Plan your work and work your plan. Above all, have fun.

2008 Michael E. Fletcher. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Play Guitar The Right Way - A Message For Beginners

While others are losing valuable time on the standard old books of C, F and G, this is your opportunity to step directly into the future with a guitar method that is as flexible as your own personality and as vast as your imagination will allow.

Visit the Ultra Guitar Method website today. Your future is now.

It seems that we're living in a society (musicians included) where instant gratification seems to be the way-of-life for many. We want what we want, and we want it now. When attempting to learn how to play the guitar, this type of approach will leave fatal flaws in one's over all understanding of the guitar. Without an authentic understanding of the guitar, limitations are inevitable.

A solid foundation on the guitar (theory and application) will allow one to progress beyond their own expectations. One should strive to become a well-rounded guitarist. In other words, learn guitar chords, rhythm, and guitar solo techniques. So many guitarists today are mainly concerned with soloing. They seem to overlook all of the other aspects of guitar playing. Many beginning guitarists get hung up on issues such as speed playing.

For most beginners, there is generally an event which occurs, that inspires an individual to learn how to play the guitar. For example, desiring to learn the guitar could result from one hearing a song that has a special emotional impact on his/her life. However, it is more than likely that one of the great contemporary concert guitarist (a fire-breathing, neck-shredding Dragon) is the inspiration for most of today's beginners. This is great however, was the inspiration the guitar itself or the fire-breathing, blazing speed, that the notes on the guitar were played at? More than likely, the answer would be speed. Inspiration is inspiration, right? Understand that a speed player is very skilled and has taken the time to build a solid foundation; fundamentals.

Ultra Guitar Method is designed to place years of professional playing experience under your fingers in a very short amount of time thus, placing you light years ahead of the competition. All theoretical, technical, mechanical, and application principles contained in the method are designed exclusively for the guitar. Learning is made exciting and fun.

In today's musical environment, it's much more important to become an accurate player rather than a flash player. The days of the twenty minute guitar solos, are over (for the most part). Oh yes, in a concert environment it's good to let it all hang out and to blow out the carbon, as they say. However, nothing will top a well constructed melodic guitar solo. A well constructed guitar solo is a far cry from someone just mindlessly sweeping arpeggios.

If you're a beginner, it's important that you don't become overwhelmed or intimidated by those who seem to be able to shred the guitar fingerboard at will. This should be the least of your worries. Especially in the beginning stages of learning to play the guitar. The fundamentals are essential for every beginner. For example, learning to hold the guitar pick correctly is essential in the beginning. Learning right-hand and left-hand finger control is very important. Further, merely feeling comfortable holding the guitar will actually take some work and practice. Once again, the fundamentals of guitar playing are very, very important.

In the beginning stages of learning to play guitar, one should concentrate on learning simple guitar chords, learning simple songs, and learning to control the guitar itself. Become aware of sound and volume. Strive for accuracy and endurance. There are literally hundreds of elements that must be learned in order to truly master the guitar. Enjoy the beginning stages, you'll arrive at the advanced learning scenario soon enough.

Make no mistake about it; if your goal is to understand the entire guitar fingerboard and experience an incredible new mechanical and theoretical freedom as a guitar player, then Ultra Guitar Method is an absolute must.

There are many, many, different reasons why individuals decide to learn to play the guitar. What's your purpose? Is it because you just want to play a few songs for your friends? If so, then I commend you for your honesty and wish you the very best in your song-playing adventure. Playing the guitar should always be fun.

Speed picking and sweeping techniques have their place. We all know that. The question is (even for experienced guitar player), when and where (let alone, why) to employ these techniques. In other words, speed playing for the sake of speed playing doesn't make much sense unless the music dictates a speed technique be employed. Of course, the obvious exception is practicing speed playing techniques in order to perfect them. Once again, if you're a beginner, speed shouldn't be your initial concern. Fundamentals will provide the foundation for future and difficult techniques. Take your time. Learn to play guitar the right way.


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